Tag Archives: winter

Apelsin Tarte Tatin

February 4, 2015


En av mina absoluta favoritdesserter är Tarte Tatin och jag är säker på att många av er håller med om dess förträfflighet. Ni som inte känner till den måste prova när tillfället dyker upp. Oftast är det ju i Frankrike där den här desserten har sitt ursprung.

Tarte Tatin är en uppoch nervänd paj som ska göras på äpplen med fast fruktkött och det finns många myter och rykten om dess ursprung. Ett av dem är att den kom till vid ett misslyckat äppelpajsbak i köket på Hotel Tatin i Lamotte-Beauron. Hotellet drevs av systrarna Stéphanie och Caroline Tatin. Stéphanie som var chef i köket glömde äpplena i stekpannan när hon karamelliserade dem i socker och smör. I stressen försökte hon rädda kakan genom att placera ut pajdegen som ett lock på stekpannan och hyva in allt i ugnen. Till sin förvåning upptäckte hon att gästerna älskade kakan och därefter hamnade den på menyn. Detta var i slutet av 1800- talet och namnet på rätten var då ” tarte solognote. Med tiden blev den hotellets paradrätt och man kan inte låta bli att undra hur dessa systrar som aldrig publicerade en kokbok eller ens skrev ner ett enda recept till eftervärlden skulle få sin äpplekaka så vida känd.

Legenden förtäljer att en man vid namn Louis Vaudable som då och då brukade åka till Lamotte-Beauron för att jaga besökte systrarnas restaurang och blev som besatt av pajen. Han var en riktig gottegris och dessutom ägare till Maxim´s i Paris. Med listiga metoder försökte han lirka fram receptet ur personalen men gick ständigt bet. Det gick så långt att när hotellet sökte ny trädgårdsmästare tog han jobbet i förhoppning om att komma över Stéphanies kökshemligheter. Det tog tre dagar för hotellet att upptäcka att Monsieur Vaudable var totalt värdelös som trädgårdsmästare och han fick sparken. Men vid det laget var spioneriuppdraget utfört och efter systrarnas bortgång sattes desserten upp på Maxim’s meny under namnet ” tarte de demoiselles Tatin”. Till Maxim’s i Paris kom artister, politiker och andra som rörde sig vant i världen och med dem reste systrarnas paj vidare som “Tarte Tatin”.


Så här års har vi inga äpplen på träden men mängder av citrusfrukter så det får bli en Tarte Tatin på apelsiner. Man kan använda antingen mördeg eller smördeg till botten/locket. Om du köper apelsinerna i butik så tvätta dem noggrant eftersom också skalet ska vara med.

Apelsin Tarte Tatin
8 portioner

75 gram smör
1,5 dl socker
1 vaniljstång (repad)
3-4 söta apelsiner
200 gram smördeg (en rundel på ca 24 cm diameter 0,5 cm tjock)

Gör så här
Tvätta apelsinerna och skär dem i tunna skivor med skalet på.
Sätt på ugnen 200 grader.
Ta en ugnssäker stekpanna på ca 24 cm i diameter och smält smöret på låg värme.
Blanda i sockret och vaniljen och låt detta smälta ihop på fortsätt låg värme.
När sockret har karamelliserats ta av pannan och placera apelsinskivorna tätt och lite omlopp så att de täcker hela pannan.
Gör en rundel av smördegen och placera över apelsinlagret som ett lock, skär bort överblivna kanter.
Grädda i 200 grader i 20-25 minuter.
Låt tarten vila och sätta sig något i ca 20 minuter innan du vänder upp den på en tallrik.
Servera ljummen eller rumstempererad, gärna med vispad grädde eller vaniljglass.


Orecchiette med radicchio och gorgonzola

January 30, 2015

Radicchio, denna vackra sallad är både älskad och hatad. Själv tillhör jag älskarna och använder den i risotto och pasta eller grillar den och äter den med olja. Om du tycker att radicchio är för besk så kan du enkelt byta ut radicchion i det här receptet mot savoj- eller grönkål. Det går inte heller av för hackor.
Njut denna vinterpasta med ett gott glas rött.

Trevlig helg!

Orecchiette med radicchio och gorgonzola
4 port

2 vitlöksklyftor
1 gul lök
50 gram pancetta
en skvätt olivolja
1 raddicchiohuvud
1 dl vitt vin
2 msk smör
2 dl grädde
100 gram gorgonzola picante
havssalt och nymalen svartpeppar
500 gram Orecchiette pasta

Koka upp riktigt med pastavatten.
Finhacka eller pressa vitlöken.
Finhacka löken och skär pancettan i små kuber.
Skölj radicchion och dela den på mitten, skär bort stammen och skär medelstora bitar.
Hetta upp en stekpanna med en skvätt olivolja, stek pancetta, vitlök och gul lök ca 3 -5 min.
Dra ner värmen och lägg i radicchion salta och peppra.
Låt puttra ca 5 min och rör om då och då.
Häll i vinet och puttra 5 min till.
Lägg i gorgonzolaosten och grädden, rör om och puttra på låg värme tills pastan är klar.
Spara en kopp med det kokande pastavattnet och använd det till att späda såsen med när det behövs. Ha uppsikt över såsen så att inte osten bränner i botten av pannan.
Smaka av med salt och peppar.
Koka pastan 1 min mindre än rekommenderat på förpackningen.
Häll av pastan i ett durkslag och blanda den med såsen och en skvätt av det kokande pastavattnet.
Servera direkt!


Braised chicken with wild oregano and olives

March 2, 2014

It’s still just the beginning of March, but I have the feeling that spring is around the corner. We have been talking walks on Mount Gibele to gather wild oregano. What a blessing! The oregano of Pantelleria is very intense. It is a cross with oregano and marjoram, and it carries the best qualities of both. The oregano is not only a fabulous spice but it also contains a lot of other great things within its oil, namely carvacrol. Oregano contains high amounts of omega-3s, iron, manganese, and antioxidants and it’s super antibacterial, as well as anti-viral and anti-fungal! This subject is something I will write about further in the future, after I have learned more about it. If you interested to read more about the Oregano harvest in Pantelleria, please visit my friends Amy and Peter’s blog http://flourishnourishinpantelleria.blogspot.it/2013/01/tales-from-harvest-of-green-gold-part-i.html   , http://flourishnourishinpantelleria.blogspot.it/2013/01/tales-from-harvest-of-green-gold-part-2.html

Anyhow, after our day in the mountains I was craving a hot plate of chicken. With our own olives, bay leaves, celery, lemons from the garden and a splash of the local zibibbo wine this recipe came together.
I hope you like it!



Braised Chicken with wild oregano and olives
Serves 4
Note: You will need a oven ready pot with lid.

2 lb (1 kilo) Whole roasting chicken cut into quarters, then legs, thighs and wings separated at the joints (optional should you prefer boneless chicken you will need 1 pound (1/2 kilo) of chicken meat cut into eight pieces.) . If you so desire you can remove the skin of the chicken.
1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon white pepper (for seasoning the chicken prior to searing)
2 Tablespoons olive oil (for searing)
3 Garlic cloves (peeled and minced)
2 Lemons (washed)
1 Leek or 3 spring onions (washed, peeled cut into quarters, using leeks one inch pieces or (2.5 cm)
4 Stalks celery (washed, ribbed, cut into one inch pieces or 2.5 cm)
2 Bay leaves (whole)
3/4 Cup ( 1.8 dl) dry white wine
3/4 Cup ( 1.8 dl) water
20 Olives green or black, green olives will loose their color due to the heat turning brown so if you wish to use a combination for eye appeal cook with black half black olives then add the other half green olives prior to serving.
8-10 Sprigs fresh oregano, if not available high quality dried oregano can be substituted Oregano di Pantelleria
1/4 Cup ( 0.6 dl) olive oil

Preheat the oven at 350 F degrees (180 C).
Gather and prepare all the ingredients as listed and instructed.
Place the chicken in a large bowl and sprinkle salt and pepper on it tossing as to make sure the chicken is evenly seasoned.
On the stove top place your oven ready pot in a medium sized burner which is placed on the highest setting and allow if a minute or two to become hot.
Add the two Tablespoons of olive oil. Next place the chicken pieces in the bottom of the pot covering the surface but not over crowding as to all the chicken to sear and caramelize. If you find you have more chicken then room in the pot, sear the meat in stages. Have a plate to remove and place seared pieces and repeat this process until all the pieces are seared.
When chicken is seared add the 1/4 cup of olive oil to the pot and minced garlic.  Allow the garlic 10 seconds to cook then add the lemons and rest of the vegetables stirring them as to coat with the garlic flavored oil. Add wine, water, lemons, bay leaves and olives. If you do not have fresh oregano add dried at this time. Place the chicken back into the pot and allow the liquid to come to boil. Turn off the heat on the burner, place the lid on top of the pot and place pot into the oven.

If you decided to use boneless chicken in about 30-40 minutes the dish should be complete. Remove the pot from the oven and carefully remove the lid as to check on the meat. If boneless it will be firm to the touch, if on the bone the meat should be firm and able to come off the bone easily. If you see any red or uncooked meat place the lid back on the pot and place the pot back in the oven to allow 15 more minutes of cooking time. After 15 minutes repeat the aforementioned process.

This dish can be served over cooked rice or potatoes or in a bowl alone with crunchy bread and a nice glass of white wine.

1ATCF015137Ceramic pot from Crate and Barrel
Dinner dinner plate from Pearl River Mart
To buy Origano di Pantelleria http://shop.underthealmondtree.com/product/origano-di-pantelleria
To order Origano di Pantelleria in America, contact Jim Dixon at www.realgoodfood.com

Parmesan nibbles with oregano

February 25, 2014

This recipe is a savory twist of the butter shortbread dough. The addition of Parmesan cheese, Oregano, with the butter and a bit of spice, results in a savory delight , you just can’t go wrong! This is a great nibble to serve with drinks or cocktails before dinner. I usually make them bite sized, but if you so desire you can shape them more like a cookie or biscuit sized by adjusting the thickness and end shape of the dough. You can make the dough before hand and keep in the fridge or in the freezer. If you don’t finished this nibbles all at the same time, store them in a container or a paper bag in a dry place.


makes about 60 bite sized nibbles
1 Cup (2.4 dl) all purpose flour
3.5 Oz (100 grams) grated parmesan
3.5 Oz (100 grams )soft butter
1 Egg yolk
1 teaspoon Origano di Pantelleria http://shop.underthealmondtree.com/product/origano-di-pantelleria (or other dried oregano)
1/2 teaspoon dried chili flakes
1 Egg
2 Tablespoon of pine nuts
Some extra oregano to sprinkle before baking

Mix all ingredients together until the dough forms a clump and kneed.
Divide in 4 piece and roll out each piece into a cylinder.
Using plastic wrap roll the dough into a cylinder form and place in the fridge to rest for at least 30 min.
Heat the oven at 400 F (200 C )
Cut the cylinders into coin shapes thickness of about 1/2 inch (1 cm).
Arrange an oven tray lined with nonstick baking paper .
Beat the egg and brush on to the cookies, place one pine nut on each and sprinkle with some oregano.
Bake for about 12-15 min, they should be light golden.
Remove from the oven and let cool before serving.

Swedish magazine Lantliv and a pie from the lemon tree

January 26, 2014

Friends, I have news! I will be contributing the food portion for a blog in the Swedish Magazine Lantliv http://www.lantliv.com/category/bloggar/anna-huerta/. The recipes will be in Swedish and there are three posts already! And make sure to check out my fellow bloggers Leija Kortesaari, Victoria Skoglund and Bella Linde all very interesting in their different fields http://www.lantliv.com/bloggar/
Under the Almond Tree will continue to be published in English. My hope is that you will continue to follow our posts whether you choose the Swedish version at Lantliv or Under the Almond Tree.

lemone lunare tree-CF020182

This week’s post is from our garden, home to an amazing lemon tree. The name for this tree is Limone Lunare. Upon the full moon, it makes new lemons. Picking the fruits releases their perfume, a magical scent, fresh and sweet at the same time. The tree provides us with fruit year round, but during the hottest summer months when rain is in short supply it adjusts its production accordingly. Late January through April the tree is full of yellow lemons. I have a weakness for all sweets and desserts made with lemon. The first time I ever tasted this lemon pie was after a dinner served by my friend Sara, a master of desserts and baked goods. She generously gave me her recipe. Over the years and many pies, I have changed it a little bit by adding more lemon cream and including some vanilla to the crust.
10 years later, this pie remains a favorite to all. Enjoy!

Lemon pie

9 Inch ( 24 cm) cake tin
Serves 8 portions

Pie crust
7 Oz (200 grams) butter
1 1/4 Cup ( 3 dl) All-purpose flour
5 Tablespoon caster sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon bourbon vanilla powder or other vanilla extract
Lemon cream
6 Eggs (room temperature)
1 1/2 Cup (3.75 dl) caster sugar
1/2 Cup (1.2 dl) sifted flour
1 Cup ( 2.4 dl) fresh lemon juice

Preheat oven to 400 F (200 C) degrees.
Melt the butter over low to medium heat on the stove.
In a bowl mix the flour, sugar and vanilla sugar.
Pour the butter over the flour mixture and stir to a smooth dough .
Place the dough into the cake tin. Using your fingers, make a thin crust by pushing the dough evenly across the cake tin as well as up a bit on sides of the tin.
When finished, place the tin to rest for 10-15 minutes in the fridge. (this will allow the butter to harden when baking the crust the butter melts creating steam and making the crust flaky.)
Place the pie crust on the lower rack in the oven bake pie crust at 400 degrees F (200 C) for about 7-8 minutes remove and allow to cool.

In a bowl, whisk sugar and eggs to soft peaks, sift the flour into the bowl slowly alternating with whisking to make smooth batter, last add in the lemon juice.
Fill the crust with the lemon cream and bake for 10 minutes on the lowest rack in the oven.
Let pie cool before serving, this allows the cream to sit and gel a little bit.
Serve with whipped cream .

lemon pie-CF013257Plate from Anthropologie http://www.anthropologie.eu/anthro/index.jsp


Pasta with cauliflower and capers

January 16, 2014

 I have a new favorite thing , it’s roasted vegetables. The other day I tried to roast cauliflower in the oven, the result came out delicious. This green cauliflower has the same taste as the white one, and I got this particular one from my friend and neighbor Giovanni. I divided the cauliflower in little bouquets, tossed with garlic, olive oil, salt packed capers placed into a pan and roasted them in the oven. It’ was simple and the taste divine! To add with a pasta, may I suggest to follow the recipe below. If you don’t find the uva passa, use another raisin but don’t skip it, the fruity sweetness twist adds an extra dimension.

Buon appetito! blog-CF092756Pasta with roasted cauliflower and capers

Serves 4  

3/4 Cup  (1.8 dl) olive oil
4 Garlic cloves pressed or finely chopped
1 Medium sized cauliflower, remove the florets from the core cutting them into fork sized portions.
4 Tablespoons Capperi di Pantelleria or other salt packed capers, rinsed
Fresh ground black pepper to taste and a little sea salt
3 Tablespoon uva passa or raisin, remove seeds and blanch in warm water to plump the raisin.
1 Lb ( 450 gram) dried pasta
4 Tablespoon pine nuts
1 Cup ( 2.4 dl) grated Parmesan cheese
1 Lemon, zest only
10 Sprigs of fresh parsley

Heat the oven to 400F ( 200 C) degrees.
Combine olive oil, garlic , capers and black pepper in a bowl.
Season with sea salt but be careful not to add to much considering the capers will add some extra salt, even after rinsing.
Add the cauliflower bouquets and toss.
On a baking sheet spread the cauliflower evenly and bake in the oven until golden for about 10-15 min.
Dry toast the pinenuts slightly in a saucepan. They toast quickly so use low heat settings and don’t leave the saute pan on the stove unattended and move the saute pan during toasting, when golden brown remove from the saute pan and set aside for later, otherwise they will continue to toast from the carry over heat absorbed by the oils inside the nut and will easily burn.
Chop the parsley.
Wash and zest the lemon.
Plump deseed and chop the uva passa roughly.
Cook Pasta al dente (30 sec to 1 min less) than suggested on the package, drain in a colander, save a cup of pasta water on the side.
Mix pasta with parmesan cheese, the baked cauliflower and caper mix, make sure add any remaining oil left in the bowl.
Adjust the consistency by adding a little of the remaining pasta water if needed.
Add the pine nuts, uova passa (raisins) stir and sprinkle parsley and lemon zest over and serve immediately.


Dinnerplates from NEW KAM MAN http://www.newkamman.com/
Capperi di Pantelleria, buy them here http://shop.underthealmondtree.com/product/capers

Uva Passa and Passito Cake

December 4, 2013

This is the Pantescan variation of dried fruit cake, I can’t resist using our delicious uva passa , sun dried Zibibbo grapes (raisins) from this summer. Marinated in Passito di Pantelleria it brings out the essence of the island into this cake.  Serve the cake as an Italian breakfast with coffee or as a winter dessert with a spoon of whipped cream or marscapone. The cake can keep at least a month if you can resist not eating it all up.

uva passa half done-CF053734This is Zibibbo grapes drying in the sun, those became sweet delicious raisin now in my cake!

uva passa- centesimoCF050373 1

Uva Passa and Passito cake
9  Oz (250 grams) of  seedless uva passa or other raisins
1/2 Cup (1.2 dl) Passito di Pantelleria or other sweet wine like Marsala or Port
1/4 Cup (0.6 dl) almond flakes
1.2 Lb (545 gram) of soft butter
5 Eggs
3 Cups (7.3 dl) all purpose flour sifted
2 Cups (4.8 dl) sugar

Marinate the uva passa with the Passito allow them to marinate  for at least 6 hours or overnight.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 C).
Toast the almonds in a tablespoon of butter in a skillet over low heat.
The almonds should be toasted to a golden, be careful not to burn them.
Whisk the eggs and sugar until white and fluffy.
Whipped butter to a fluffy and soft.

Combine in batches, the egg mixture with the sifted flour into the whipped butter. Add the uva passa (also add the left over Passito in to the batter) and almonds.
Pour the batter into  parchment paper lined loaf baking pan .
Bake at  350 F degrees (175 C) for at least 90 minutes.
Check with a toothpick so that the cake is dry in the middle, if not continue baking and check every 10 minutes.

Let the cake cool down, wrap in foil and let rest until time to serve.

uva passa and passito cake-CF091417