Tag Archives: http://www.annahuerta.com/

Broccoli Strascinati

February 13, 2015

BroccoliDen här rätten är mer vanlig i norra Italien där den oftast serveras som tillbehör (contorni) till kött. Eftersom vi har prima broccoli nu så gör även vi den. Det enda är att vi saknar köttet. För min del gör det inget, när jag är här vill jag frossa i grönsakerna direkt ifrån landet. Häromdagen åt jag bara detta till lunch och det var utmärkt. Lite bröd till för att få med den sista oljan på tallriken och ett glas rött. Ja det var nog godaste lunchen på hela veckan. Man kan också servera detta som en antipasto vilket jag tänker göra till helgens knyt.

1 broccolihuvud (ca 300 gram)
1 liten röd lök
3 vitlöksklyftor
Torkad mortlad chili efter smak ( jag gillar hetta så jag använde 3  små starka chili )
Rikligt med olivolja

Gör så här
Skölj av broccolin, dela i buketter skär stammen i bitar ( god att ta med).
Hacka lök och vitlök och chilli.
Hetta upp olja i stekpannan, stek broccolin tills den är gyllene, vänd bitarna allt eftersom i stekpannan så att det blir stekyta på alla sidor. Salta.
Efter ca 6-8 min häll på lite mer olivolja och stek med löken chilin ett par minuter.

En sås för Fredrik

January 25, 2015

AT-CF121328Jag har en pastasås som jag gör när kylen gapar tomt. Den blir alltid god, ibland önskar mina svenska vänner sig den när jag kommer hem till Sverige, allra mest Fredrik. Han är tokig i den här såsen. Den ser inte så märkvärdig ut men har mycket smak av kaprisen, sardellerna och oreganon från Pantelleria. Det rivna citronskalet är viktigt. Om man inte har färska tomater hemma så kan man ta en burk. Om det blir något över så håller den sig en vecka i kylen. Det är bara att koka upp ny pasta och värma såsen.

En sås för Fredrik
4 portioner
Den här såsen ska ha lite hetta, om du vill ha den medium stark så kärna ur chilin och ta inte med kärnorna. Om du vill ha den mer spicy så ta med en del av kärnorna. Citronskalet är jätteviktigt så uteslut inte det.

8 sardellfiléer
1 gul lök
2 vitlöksklyftor
1 chilifrukt eller 1/2-1 tsk torkade chiliflakes
5 dl passerade tomater
1 dl torrt vitt vin
12 cocktailtomater
4 msk råsocker
6 msk sköljd och avrunnen kapris från Pantelleria (finns här)
2 tsk oregano från Pantelleria (finns här)
Skalet av 1 ekologisk citron
400 gram tortiglioni rigatoni eller penne

Gör så här
Skär varje sardell i 4 bitar
Finhacka lök, vitlök och chili.
Skölj tomaterna och sätt ett litet stick i varje tomat med en vass skalkniv.
Ta fram en stekpanna och hetta upp olivolja, lägg i sardellerna och låt dem smälta ihop i pannan tillsammans med lök, vitlök och chili tills allt blir mjukt och gyllene.
Lägg i cocktailtomaterna, skaka pannan under tiden i någon minut.
Slå på vinet, sänk värmen och låt löken suga upp en del av vinet.
Häll i de passerade tomaterna, sockret och kaprisen.
Låt det puttra på svag värme medan du kokar upp pastavattnet.
Koka pastan al dente och smaka samtidigt av såsen om det behövs mer salt och mer socker.
Eftersom kaprisen och sardellerna ger hög sälta så är det viktigt att inte salta innan såsen har kokat ihop.
Stäng av värmen på såsen och rör i oreganon och det rivna citronskalet.
Pastan är klar ca 30-60 sek innan rekommenderad koktid på paketet.
Slå av i durkslag och blanda pasta och sås noggrant.
Servera direkt!

Karamelliserad brysselkål

January 19, 2015

Januari på Pantelleria betyder mängder av citrus, pumpor, fänkål och otaliga variationer på kål. Jag älskar de flesta sorters kål men speciellt brysselkål. Namnet har den från Belgien, där den har varit som mest populär sedan 1300-talet men det sägs att den ha haft en föregångare som odlades redan i antika Rom. På en brysselkålsplanta får vi ut ca 1-1,2 kg brysselkål. Tyvärr kan man ibland bli serverad överkokt brysselkål och det gör ingen glad. Brysselkålen ska helst ha tuggmotstånd och själv har jag en fäbless att karamellisera den. Världens enklaste grönsaksrätt kommer här. Den passar som en antipasto eller som ett grönsakstillbehör på vinterbordet.

Karamelliserad brysselkål
Som ett tillbehör eller förrätt till 4 pers

800 gram brysselkål
3 msk råsocker

Gör så här
Ta fram en stor kastrull och koka upp lättsaltat vatten.
Putsa och skölj brysselkålen.
Koka brysselkålen ca 4 min och häll sedan av i durkslag.
Hetta upp olivolja i stekpannan och stek brysselkålen samtidigt som du rör i pannan hela tiden.
Salta med ett gott flingsalt.
Strö över sockret och fortsätt att då och då röra i pannan så att inte sockret bränns.
Brysselkålen ska bli jämt karamelliserad och gyllene.


Passito spiced summer cherries

July 24, 2014

This is my local take on Maraschino cherries, but instead of Maraschino liqueur I used our local sweet wine, Passito di Pantelleria. Originally maraschino cherries were made from marasca cherries (originated in Croatia) which were then preserved in Italy’s maraschino liqueurs. Since I am not using Maraschino liqueur, rather Passito di Pantelleria such as Sangue  d’oro  and the local cherries “Amarena”. The cherries need to sit in the jar for about two weeks to really soak in the spices before serving. Eat the cherries as a dessert with or without vanilla ice cream, place them on top of a cupcakes or as a garnish to a whiskey sour.
Chin chin!AT-CF038203 1Passito spiced summer cherries
1 Cup (2.4 dl) sugar
1/2 Cup (1.2 dl) water
3 Tablespoon lemon juice
1 Cinnamon stick
1 Star Anise
1 Clove
A pinch of grated nutmeg
1 Vanilla bean cut and seeds scraped
2 LB (900 grams) sweet stoned cherries (use your local variety)
1 Cup ( 2.4 dl) of Passito di Pantelleria

Wash and remove all the cherry’s stones.
In a saucepan, combine all ingredients excluding the cherries and the Passito allowing them to come to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium. Add the cherries and simmer for 8-10minutes. Remove from heat, add the Passito and let cool.
Transfer the cherries and liquid into clean jars and cover tightly and refrigerate for two weeks.

Almond Bar’s Whiskey Sour
1 part Bourbon whiskey
2 part simple syrup, recipe for simple sirup here
1 part lemon juice
1 Passito spiced cherry

Mix all the ingredients in a shaker with ice, shake and serve with a cherry on the top. If it’s a hot summer day serve with some extra ice.



Panzanella Pantesca

July 17, 2014

This year we went all out with the tomatoes. We planted a bunch of different varieties hoping to get different flavors, colors and sizes. In these last few days we have harvested 10 -12 boxes every day. Carlo’s granny Rosa is making tomato sauce to preserve for the winter. We are eating, giving away and paying for our breakfasts in the bar with tomatoes.

Panzanella is a traditional Tuscan bread salad. Here is a local version with anchovies and the Rolls Royce, the Bentley, rather, of capers “Capperi di Pantelleria.”  This panzanella is a perfect light and satisfying meal to enjoy on a hot summer’s day. Invite some friends for lunch, pop a chilled bottle of prosecco and dig in.


Panzanella Pantesca
Serves 6-8
1/2 Loaf of old white bread
1/2 Cup (1.2 dl) extra virgin olive oil
3 Each cloves of garlic
2 Pounds (1 kilo) of mixed variety of tomatoes
1 Red small sized onion
1 Fresh red chili pepper minced
1/3 Cup ( 0.8 dl) black olives
4 Tablespoon rinsed and drained salt packed capers ( Capperi di Pantelleria)
20 Small fillets of anchovies packed in oil (reserve oil for dressing)
1 Bunch of basil leaves
1 1/2 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 Tablespoon of the oil that contains the anchovies
Sea salt flakes and fresh ground pepper to your taste

Break bread into bite sized pieces, in a saute pan over medium heat, warm the oil add crush the cloves of garlic add to the pan, then add in a little sea salt flakes. Toast the bread in the pan with seasoned garlic oil until it’s golden. Remove toasted bread from the pan place on top of a paper lined tray and set a side. Let any left over oil cool and reserve to use in the dressing.

Wash and remove the outer skin of the red onion. Cut off the stem side, lay flat on the cut surface and proceed to cut the onion in half. Remove the root core then length wise cutting stem to root cut the onion into strips.

Finely chop the chlli pepers, wash, core and cut the tomatoes into wedges.

Combine in a large bowl the bread, tomatoes and onions, capers, olives, anchovies and basil leaves.

In a small bowl whisk together, balsamic vinegar, rest of the olive oil, 2 Tablespoon of anchovies oil, the red chili, pepper and sea salt.

Pour dressing over the top of the bread, tomatoes and onions in the large bowl. Toss all ingredients as to combine everything, then, let the bread soak up the juice from the tomatoes and olive oil.


Get your Capperi di Pantelleria here!

Summer lemonade

July 14, 2014

This last days has been really hot and what’s better for a dry mouth than a lemonade this hot afternoons in the garden. I usually make a lemonade concentrate and if there are leftover I pour it in a bottle and save it in the fridge. When serving I couldn’t resist decorating the lemonade with some mallow flowers. If you have extra time on your hand you could also freeze eatable flower in the ice cubes to give it a summery and colorful look.


The recipe will make around 6 cups  (14 dl) of lemonade concentrate


2 cups  (4.8 dl) caster sugar

2 cup (4.8 dl )water

12-14 lemons or enough lemons for 3 cups ( 7.4 dl) of fresh lemon juice

To serve : Still mineral or soda water and ice


Start by making a simple syrup.

Warm sugar and water in a small saucepan on the stove, stir until the sugar has dissolved and incorporated into the water, set a side.

Squeeze the juice from the lemons, if you so desire you can strain the pulp from the juice or leave it in.

Combine the lemon juice and the simple syrup stirring to make sure they are full incorporated.

Fill a pitcher or glasses halfway  with ice cubes and lemonade concentrate.

Add either sparkling or still mineral water to dilute.

Server  immediately!


Braised chicken with wild oregano and olives

March 2, 2014

It’s still just the beginning of March, but I have the feeling that spring is around the corner. We have been talking walks on Mount Gibele to gather wild oregano. What a blessing! The oregano of Pantelleria is very intense. It is a cross with oregano and marjoram, and it carries the best qualities of both. The oregano is not only a fabulous spice but it also contains a lot of other great things within its oil, namely carvacrol. Oregano contains high amounts of omega-3s, iron, manganese, and antioxidants and it’s super antibacterial, as well as anti-viral and anti-fungal! This subject is something I will write about further in the future, after I have learned more about it. If you interested to read more about the Oregano harvest in Pantelleria, please visit my friends Amy and Peter’s blog http://flourishnourishinpantelleria.blogspot.it/2013/01/tales-from-harvest-of-green-gold-part-i.html   , http://flourishnourishinpantelleria.blogspot.it/2013/01/tales-from-harvest-of-green-gold-part-2.html

Anyhow, after our day in the mountains I was craving a hot plate of chicken. With our own olives, bay leaves, celery, lemons from the garden and a splash of the local zibibbo wine this recipe came together.
I hope you like it!



Braised Chicken with wild oregano and olives
Serves 4
Note: You will need a oven ready pot with lid.

2 lb (1 kilo) Whole roasting chicken cut into quarters, then legs, thighs and wings separated at the joints (optional should you prefer boneless chicken you will need 1 pound (1/2 kilo) of chicken meat cut into eight pieces.) . If you so desire you can remove the skin of the chicken.
1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon white pepper (for seasoning the chicken prior to searing)
2 Tablespoons olive oil (for searing)
3 Garlic cloves (peeled and minced)
2 Lemons (washed)
1 Leek or 3 spring onions (washed, peeled cut into quarters, using leeks one inch pieces or (2.5 cm)
4 Stalks celery (washed, ribbed, cut into one inch pieces or 2.5 cm)
2 Bay leaves (whole)
3/4 Cup ( 1.8 dl) dry white wine
3/4 Cup ( 1.8 dl) water
20 Olives green or black, green olives will loose their color due to the heat turning brown so if you wish to use a combination for eye appeal cook with black half black olives then add the other half green olives prior to serving.
8-10 Sprigs fresh oregano, if not available high quality dried oregano can be substituted Oregano di Pantelleria
1/4 Cup ( 0.6 dl) olive oil

Preheat the oven at 350 F degrees (180 C).
Gather and prepare all the ingredients as listed and instructed.
Place the chicken in a large bowl and sprinkle salt and pepper on it tossing as to make sure the chicken is evenly seasoned.
On the stove top place your oven ready pot in a medium sized burner which is placed on the highest setting and allow if a minute or two to become hot.
Add the two Tablespoons of olive oil. Next place the chicken pieces in the bottom of the pot covering the surface but not over crowding as to all the chicken to sear and caramelize. If you find you have more chicken then room in the pot, sear the meat in stages. Have a plate to remove and place seared pieces and repeat this process until all the pieces are seared.
When chicken is seared add the 1/4 cup of olive oil to the pot and minced garlic.  Allow the garlic 10 seconds to cook then add the lemons and rest of the vegetables stirring them as to coat with the garlic flavored oil. Add wine, water, lemons, bay leaves and olives. If you do not have fresh oregano add dried at this time. Place the chicken back into the pot and allow the liquid to come to boil. Turn off the heat on the burner, place the lid on top of the pot and place pot into the oven.

If you decided to use boneless chicken in about 30-40 minutes the dish should be complete. Remove the pot from the oven and carefully remove the lid as to check on the meat. If boneless it will be firm to the touch, if on the bone the meat should be firm and able to come off the bone easily. If you see any red or uncooked meat place the lid back on the pot and place the pot back in the oven to allow 15 more minutes of cooking time. After 15 minutes repeat the aforementioned process.

This dish can be served over cooked rice or potatoes or in a bowl alone with crunchy bread and a nice glass of white wine.

1ATCF015137Ceramic pot from Crate and Barrel
Dinner dinner plate from Pearl River Mart
To buy Origano di Pantelleria http://shop.underthealmondtree.com/product/origano-di-pantelleria
To order Origano di Pantelleria in America, contact Jim Dixon at www.realgoodfood.com

Parmesan nibbles with oregano

February 25, 2014

This recipe is a savory twist of the butter shortbread dough. The addition of Parmesan cheese, Oregano, with the butter and a bit of spice, results in a savory delight , you just can’t go wrong! This is a great nibble to serve with drinks or cocktails before dinner. I usually make them bite sized, but if you so desire you can shape them more like a cookie or biscuit sized by adjusting the thickness and end shape of the dough. You can make the dough before hand and keep in the fridge or in the freezer. If you don’t finished this nibbles all at the same time, store them in a container or a paper bag in a dry place.


makes about 60 bite sized nibbles
1 Cup (2.4 dl) all purpose flour
3.5 Oz (100 grams) grated parmesan
3.5 Oz (100 grams )soft butter
1 Egg yolk
1 teaspoon Origano di Pantelleria http://shop.underthealmondtree.com/product/origano-di-pantelleria (or other dried oregano)
1/2 teaspoon dried chili flakes
1 Egg
2 Tablespoon of pine nuts
Some extra oregano to sprinkle before baking

Mix all ingredients together until the dough forms a clump and kneed.
Divide in 4 piece and roll out each piece into a cylinder.
Using plastic wrap roll the dough into a cylinder form and place in the fridge to rest for at least 30 min.
Heat the oven at 400 F (200 C )
Cut the cylinders into coin shapes thickness of about 1/2 inch (1 cm).
Arrange an oven tray lined with nonstick baking paper .
Beat the egg and brush on to the cookies, place one pine nut on each and sprinkle with some oregano.
Bake for about 12-15 min, they should be light golden.
Remove from the oven and let cool before serving.

Pear and walnut salad with gorgonzola

October 21, 2013

I got these really sweet pears from Giovanni, a farmer from Rekhale. When he’s not working his land, on Saturdays you can find him selling his fruit and vegetables at the Farmer’s Market In Pantelleria. With these lovely Pantescan pears I made a yummy salad. The sweetness of the pears blend so very well with the toasted walnuts and the saltiness of the gorgonzola.


Style: "Neutral"

Pear and walnut salad with gorgonzola cheese
Serves 4
1 garlic clove
1 T balsamic vinegar
2 T extra virgin olive oil
1 T honey
24 walnuts
4 sweet pears
1 T olive oil for the pan
7 oz (200 grams) of gorgonzola
4 oz (110 gram) arugula or any other lettuce of your choice.


Press and chop the garlic very finely
Mix with the other dressing ingredients
Dry toast walnuts in a dry pan
Slice the pears, add a splash of olive oil in the frying pan and fry them briefly to soften a little bit and sprinkle some sea salt on top.
Crumble the gorgonzola cheese in pieces.
Organize the plates with tossed salad and sprinkle some dressing over, add the gorgonzola pieces, toasted walnuts, pears and serve.


Beautiful Borlotti!

October 2, 2013

The season has arrived for borlotti beans. I found theese colorful fresh borlotti beans at the market the other day. I’m a big fan of beans in general, often I just cook them with tomatoes, garlic, white wine and sage. Delicious.
This week I made a variation with couscous and vegetables in the oven. Super delicious. The weather is still summery hot in Pantelleria so this recipe proved to be a perfect light lunch in the shadow under the almond trees.



Borlotti bean couscous with vegetables
3 lb (1.5 kilo) unpeeled fresh borlotti beans that will make about 22 oz ( 625 grams)
without the shell.(If you are using the dried beens you have to put them in water a day before using, see the instructions on the package).
1 Tablespoon olive oil
sea salt

For the oven baked vegetables
2 medium sized zucchinis
6 small red onions or shallots
1 lb (450 gram) cherry tomatoes
16 olives
6 sage leaves
1/4 cup (56 ml) olive oil
Sea salt and pepper

For the couscous
1 large sprig of garlic
1 fresh chili fruit
5 large sage leaves
1 Tablespoon olive oil for cooking
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup (1.2 dl) dry white wine
1 Tablespoon balsamic
2 Tablespoons honey
1 cup (2.4 dl) of canned tomato sauce
1 3/4 cups (4.2 dl) cous cous

Peel the borlotti beans.
Cook the beans for about 12 minutes, this time of cooking will leave an “al dente” feeling, if you want the beans more soft just ad a couple of minutes.
Use a colander to get rid of the water, set a side in a bowl, dash some olive oil and sea salt with the beens in the bowl.

Cut the garlic, chili and sage finely.
In a sauce pan, saute garlic, chili and sage in a dash of olive oil shortly, just until the garlic is golden.
Ad white wine, balsamic vinegar, honey, bayleaf and stir .
Ad the tomato sauce and let simmer together for 5-8minutes taste with salt and black pepper.

In a large bowl place the couscous and pour the sauce over to cook the couscous.
Let sit for 5 -10 minutes.

Oven baked vegetables
Set the oven at 400 F degrees (200 C)
Chop the garlic finely
Clean and cut the zucchini i large pieces
Clean the cherry tomatoes and onions
In a smal bowl, mix garlic olive oil, sage , salt and pepper
Rub the vegetables and olives with the oil mix
Place on an oven tray and let cook in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Mix the borlotti beans, couscous and vegetables

