Category Archives: Shop

Solkyssta Russin från Pantelleria

December 3, 2018

Det lackar mot Jul!
Det ska glöggas och mysas.
En av mina favoritprodukter från Pantelleria är Uva Passa.
Underbara russin som vi använder i bakning och matlagning  och framförallt mumsar på som de är. Dom passar också jättebra på Ostbrickan och hur snyggt är det inte att bjuda på russin på kvist som glöggtillbehör.
Vi vet alla hur hårt man besprutar druvor så jag är glad att våra russin är helt rena från sånt skräp. Dessa russin är bara druva, sol och kärlek. Vi gör russinen på samma druva som vi gör vårt Passitovin av. Druvan heter Zibibbo och är en tålig druva med vinstockar som växer lågt. Detta är ett måste på en ö som bär namnet Vindens Dotter. Zibibbo och vulkanjord är en match make in Heaven, och blir söta druvor efter det att vi plockat dem och lagt dem att torka i solen. Den här processen tar ca 20 dagar och under tiden vänder vi på dem.

När de är klara rensar man bort en del av kvistarna och en och annan ful druva. Detta görs i Nonnas Rosas utekök av Signora Angela och Rosa. Tiden det tar att göra det är kvalitetstid.
Under tiden de utför arbetet passar de på att uppdatera det senaste skvallret i byn. Russinen är nu i säsong och säljs i Stockholm hos Cajsa Warg, Butik Rot, Stockholms Matmarknad och hos Wijnjas Grosshandel.

Men givetvis kan man också köpa dem i min shop här, bara klicka hem så kommer dem på posten.

Glad Advent!

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Under the Almond Tree celebrates it’s first year anniversary!

October 28, 2013

It’s been one year since I struggled with the technology, persisted, and, finally, managed to put up my first blogpost here at Under the Almond tree. It was pomegranates season in Pantelleria and I’m lucky to have a full tree just outside my office in the garden. So the first recipe was, of course, my all-time favorite cocktail – Pomegranate Martini!

To celebrate Almond Tree’s first anniversary I opened a little web shop. As many of you already know, Pantelleria is famous for their capers Capperi di Pantelleria. They are considered the best capers in the world and are quality marked IGP, which stands for Indicazione Geografica Protetta, meaning Protected Geographical Indication. It’s a quality mark that is given to food and agricultural products for which a particular property, its reputation, or other characteristic is due to the geographical origin and whose production and processing takes place in a limited geographic area. Whoever does IGP products must follow strict rules of production, determined by the Disciplinary Board for production. I am totally addicted to the capers from Pantelleria, and as a result, so are many of my friends who have visited me and got introduced to them. If you are curious to try them and determine that they are the world’s greatest or you finished your stock, you don’t have to make the journey to Pantelleria anymore, just go to the shop and order

These capers are organically grown and are handpicked one by one. They are cured and conserved in sea salt by the local farmers of Pantelleria. When you are cooking with this capers, you first rinse them in cold water to get rid of excessive salt using a colander, strainer or your hand. When cooking you will notice that this capers are incredibly rich in flavor. You will have a part of the essence of the island Pantelleria in your meal!

This year has been so much fun cooking, photographing, receiving responds and cheering from You readers. This really inspires me to go on. I’m very lucky to have great and talented people to back me up, without them I would probably just posted far too many photos with confusing text and nonsensical recipes.

I want to thank Amy Burke and Peter Lambert for contributing their knowledge and time helping me out and editing the text and the recipes.
Will Macdonald my technical savior, what would I do without you?!
Ines Lommatzsch for all our excursions and adventures out there on the field.
Mari Strenghielm Nord for always reading my mind and packaging everything beautifully.
Carlo and Igor for being who you are.

All of You readers out there who cooked the recipes, wrote to me and shared your enthusiasm and support, without you this would be meaningless.

A Big Hurray for You all!

/ Anna

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capperi di pantelleria-CF043279Photographs taken summer 2013 during the caper harvest in Pantelleria Sicily.
Buy your Capperi di Pantelleria here